Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing

Gain High-Level Brand Exposure and Attract More Leads

Make the Right Decisions for Your Brand With PPC Advertising

Today, the digital landscape keeps growing and websites are proliferating at warp speed. From small companies and eCommerce businesses and entrepreneurs, almost everyone is on the internet, figuring out advertising avenues and maximizing all possible conversion paths. Increased marketing opportunities, however, come with greater challenges.

Despite the availability of advertising tools and digital marketing channels, some businesses remain invisible to their target audience. As a result, market players are in an uphill battle, barely making progress with their internet marketing efforts.

Major challenges online companies face:

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Years of Experience

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Leads Generated

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Happy Clients

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Team of Experts

SEO vs. PPC: Which is the Right Strategy for Your Brand?

Understanding your target demographics and analyzing their online activities are vital to determine whether PPC, organic search, or combining these digital marketing strategies is the best approach for your business.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is an effective way to improve your organic traffic, build brand awareness, establish online credibility, and gain customer trust. Many SEO companies, however, will tell you that it takes at least four to six months before you can start seeing results with your SEO campaign. An Ahrefs study also found that only 5.7 percent of web pages rank in the top 10 organic search results for one keyword within a year of publishing. Moreover, even these top-performing web pages took two to six months to rank in the top 10.

SEO takes time. For this reason, many marketers relying heavily on organic search fail to achieve their marketing goals within their established timeline. Pay-per-click marketing is the way to go if you’re looking for an online marketing approach that offers complete control, provides flexibility, and promises instant results.


Over the years, pay per click advertising has proven its worth as one of the best and most cost-effective online marketing strategies. PPC advertising allows businesses to take charge of their ad spend and get their brand offerings in front of the right people at the right time and in the right place.

Pay per click marketing provides you with laser-targeted visibility, which speeds up the customers’ buying journey and boosts your conversion rate.

In an ideal world, combined SEO and PPC advertising strategies work best at driving targeted results. Integrated SEO and PPC campaigns offer maximum visibility, drive relevant traffic, and deliver long-term benefits. However, if you have a short window to promote your brand offerings and make an impact on your niche market, pay-per-click internet marketing might be the best option for you.

How About Boosting Your Business Growth Now?

Leverage Pay Per Click Marketing and Take Advantage of Consumer Search Opportunities

CoTask Digital Marketing Agency is a trusted leader in pay-per-click internet marketing. Our pay-per-click advertising company partners with various industry players and marketing professionals to increase their leads, grow brand awareness, and reach their goals.

Throughout the years, our pay per click marketing firm has mastered what is PPC, how it works effectively for different stakeholders and what it entails to ensure online success. If you’re still unsure whether pay per click is the right advertising model for your company, our PPC management firm is here to help you.

Learn what is PPC and explore the many ways pay per click advertising can take your business to new heights. Start your pay per click campaign today with help from CoTask’s pay per click internet marketing experts.

Award-Winning Web Design Company

What Is Pay Per Click and How Does It Work?

Grow Your Business With Optimized Paid Search Campaigns

A Hanapin Marketing report shows that 79 percent of marketers find paid search marketing beneficial to their business. Consequently, approximately 62 percent of industry players said they would continue to increase their PPC ads budget in the coming years to draw new customers looking for their services.

According to Social Media Today, more than 7 million advertisers spent a total of $10.01 billion for pay per click ads in 2020 alone. Evidently, pay per click has become one of the most widely used marketing frameworks for generating higher ROI. But what is pay per click and how can it ramp up your digital marketing efforts?

CoTask’s PPC experts explain what is paid search and how it works to guide you through the fundamentals of PPC management. By understanding pay per click processes, you have a better chance of launching profitable campaigns. Learn all about PPC marketing and find out how our pay per click marketing agency can help you achieve success

What is PPC?

What is PPC?

Pay-per-click marketing is a paid search model used to build brand awareness, promote brand offerings, and gain immediate traction from specific audience segments. With PPC, advertisers only pay each time a user clicks on the PPC ads — hence the name pay-per-click.

People usually think of Google PPC when hearing or talking about what is pay per click. But pay-per-click goes beyond the Google search engine results pages (SERPs) and the Google Display Network. Social media sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, also use the pay-per-click model.

PPC allows marketers to place ads strategically on a variety of online marketing platforms to make their products and services highly visible to their target market. This means the advertisements you see across the web are pay per click ads.

What Are the Different Types of PPC Ads?

Pay-per-click marketing is a paid search model used to build brand awareness, promote brand offerings, and gain immediate traction from specific audience segments. With PPC, advertisers only pay each time a user clicks on the PPC ads — hence the name pay-per-click.

People usually think of Google PPC when hearing or talking about what is pay per click. But pay-per-click goes beyond the Google search engine results pages (SERPs) and the Google Display Network. Social media sites, such as YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, also use the pay-per-click model.

PPC marketing campaigns

Search Ads

Search advertising is the most common form of paid search marketing. Search ads appear to prospects who are already looking for your industry or brand offerings online. These pay per click ads are suitable for short sales cycles or one-time campaign promotions. Our pay per click advertising firm recommends search advertising to businesses aiming to acquire strong, high-quality leads from new customers.

Display Ads

Display advertising is known for its effectiveness in reaching more than 90 percent of online users. Display ads appear on Google’s partner websites, targeting people who visited industry-related sites. Display advertising maximizes photos and texts to capture the online users’ attention and convince them to take action. Our pay per click advertising agency recommends display advertising to companies with lengthy sales cycles and niche or luxury customers.

Social Ads

Social media paid advertising is the fastest-growing segment of pay per click advertising services. Social ads appear on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. They are programmed to reach prospects based on their hobbies, networks and interests, among other factors. Social media advertising is suitable for brands with an active social media presence and highly-targeted customers.

Remarketing Ads

Remarketing is one of the best ways to reach high-converting customers and double your turnovers. Remarketing ads remind people who have already visited your website to come back and compel them to convert. Remarketing is cheaper than search advertising because there is lower competition and highly targeted customer segments. Our PPC marketing firm uses smart PPC ad formats and extensions to produce significant results with your PPC campaign.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping ads appear in a carousel above or beside the main Google search results, allowing prospects to view the products and prices on Google SERPs before they even click on anyone’s website. Our PPC agency recommends Google Shopping to eCommerce businesses with a large volume of products aiming to reach customers with clear buying intent.

In-stream Ads

In-stream ads are also called YouTube ads. These are pay-per-click ads that appear on YouTube search results, YouTube videos and video partners on Display Network. YouTube ads present your brand in a unique and memorable way. Recently, Facebook has launched in-stream ads, allowing companies to place advertisements in the best slots and natural breaks in video content.

Local Services Ads

Remarketing is one of the best ways to reach high-converting customers and double your turnovers. Remarketing ads remind people who have already visited your website to come back and compel them to convert. Remarketing is cheaper than search advertising because there is lower competition and highly targeted customer segments. Our PPC marketing firm uses smart PPC ad formats and extensions to produce significant results with your PPC campaign.

Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon advertising is one of the increasingly popular PPC services in the online landscape. Amazon PPC ads allow Amazon sellers to generate brand awareness, boost sales and drive more store visits by placing sponsored ads on the platform’s key locations. At Cotask, we leverage our PPC experts’ technical knowledge and expertise to organize your Amazon PPC campaigns and increase your profit margin.

How Does PPC Marketing Work?

PPC advertising is a keyword-based marketing tactic. PPC campaign management services like Adwords assign a value to different search terms and phrases based on their search volume, difficulty and competition level. The more advertisers competing for the same keyword, the higher the keyword price.

Marketing platforms, such as Google’s homepage, have limited Google pay per click advertising slots. As such, you need to battle it out to claim your PPC spot. Advertisers cannot simply pay more to increase their Google PPC ads’ prominence.

Google pay per click and other PPC ads are subject to ad auction. This pertains to an automated process used by search engines to determine the relevance and validity of advertisements that appear on their SERPs. You must ensure your Google pay per click ads have a good Quality Score to boost your ad position and lower your cost per click (CPC).

To obtain a good Quality Score, your pay-per-click ads must be relevant to your target demographics, include valuable keywords, receive high click-through rates (CTRs) and drive prospects to an SEO-optimized landing page.

Don’t have the time to perform a PPC audit and launch your pay per click campaign? Entrust your PPC services to our pay per click management company and let us do the technical work for you.

Why CoTask’s PPC Services Are Better Than the Rest

Leverage Our Technical Expertise to Grow Your Client Base

Digital Marketing Agency is a recognized pay-per-click firm, committed to your success. We bring our years of expertise and industry experience to every pay-per-click campaign we handle. From PPC audit and account setup to ads management and campaign monitoring, trust us to give our 101 percent dedication to improving your online performance.

Here’s what you can expect when you hire our pay per click marketing agency:

Comprehensive PPC Audit

Our PPC advertising firm ensures all aspects of your PPC campaign align with your goals and adhere to industry regulations. We perform in-depth PPC audits to determine possible campaign issues, adjust your strategy and make your campaign more effective. Our paid search specialists evaluate your key performance indicators (KPIs), account structure, remarketing techniques and analytics.

Detailed Reporting

As your dedicated pay per click marketing firm, we keep you up-to-date with your online activities and campaign progress at all times. We provide you with custom campaign reports covering your Google Analytics results, keyword rankings and overall campaign performance. Our PPC management agency also gives you access to our client dashboard so you can monitor your campaign in real time.

Detailed Reporting

CoTask is a proud member of the coveted Google Premier Partners list. This designation means our PPC agency is among the top 3% of Google Partners in the U.S. We comprise a team of certified Google Ads PPC specialists with vast industry experience and digital marketing knowledge.

Customer-Focused PPC Company

Our PPC advertising agency believes in owning our clients’ voices and we work hard to show it. During our initial consultation, we determine your marketing goals and existing campaign performance to provide you with data-driven recommendations. We schedule monthly meetings with your project managers and keep our lines open to discuss your PPC campaign strategy at your convenience.

Multi-Location PPC

Does your business serve multiple locations and a diverse customer base? Our PPC management firm develops a multi-location PPC structure to maximize your ad spend and deliver custom PPC ads to your target demographics. We organize your PPC campaign per ad group and location, localize your callout extensions and site links and create personalized ad copies.

Dedicated Pay Per Click Specialists

At CoTask, we make technical, complicated and overwhelming search engine marketing processes as simple as possible for you. Once you sign up with our pay per click firm, we provide you with a single point of contact to manage your PPC campaign and address your questions. Our pay per click advertising agency becomes your outsourced online marketing department.

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